Stories of us
Thank you so much for the book!
Who doesn’t love short stories!
This book is a collection of 41 short stories focused on the major issues if life, Indian society.
Variety of topics covered like NRIs, GST, faith in God, thrill, demonetization, etc. All the topics are quiet related to us.
How political issues happens in India. The author also covered the LGBT issue which happened last year. If feels great to read all the latest stories in one book.
It is able to put each and every topic so correctly that everyone can enjoy it. Every story is related to the common man. each story is around 1-2 pages.
From old age parents to superstition book contains a lot of important aspects. The language is so easy and lucid.
Overall its was a really good read.
The good thing you can finish it within a few hours.
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